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Abstract Photography

I started photography as a coincidence. I always wanted to be an artist, whether a musician or a painter, but photography came to me randomly.

I started my fine art photography with long exposures, most of them in the Riviera Maya. The results were mystical and unexpected, and was an adequate technique for the minimalistic style I was giving to my fine art.

Long Exposure Photography

Although I was enjoying my photography, I was seeking for something else. Photography itself is already an art to me, but I was lacking the feeling of total freedom of a blank canvas.

I did a few more projects, all of which make me very proud, before becoming an abstract landscape photographer. They all helped in my transition but it was an accident that helped me view the infinite possibilities I could have as an artist.

When I started in photography, someone told me to never delete my files, no matter how bad they seemed, you can always go back to them and make a different judgement with another perspective. This is what happened when I was looking at some old photographs. I saw one that did not make sense back when I first shot it, but became really attractive to me three years after.

After looking at this photograph I started doing a lot of ICM (intentional camera movement). Everywhere I went, I was wobbling my camera. Every subject, every landscape had movement, and I felt like I was painting.

Now when I see a landscape, when everything is in complete synergy, light, subject and me, I shoot for an abstract photograph. There is no photograph I have taken that gives me the satisfaction and fulfillment that my abstracts give me.

I don't know where my photography is going to take me, I don't know how I am going to evolve in the next years as an artist, but I do know I have found my blank canvas and the excitement I was seeking.


Hernandez Binz


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